Monday, March 23, 2009

The Second Day: Continuing Success

Although I'm thousands of miles away, reports are that Robbie's second day in his new class was a smashing success. Even with a gap of ten days in between, he went to school cheerfully (unlike anything we've seen in a long time), did all of his assignments in class (I'm not sure that's ever happened), and came home cheerfully. The difference is so striking I can't help but wonder what's created such a change in behavior.

I've just spent the last twenty minutes talking to him over Skype. He's so happy!

These little victories are life changing events. Usually, I can figure out what's caused them. This, however, is a complete mystery. Maybe when I'm back, I'll figure it out but for now I'm going to enjoy it.

Joy has been working all weekend on a surprise for me when I get home. Of course, it took Robbie about five seconds to blow that surprise, but hearing him talk so excitedly about it made it all worthwhile.

I'm enjoying my time in China but I can't wait to get home. I'm missing some good stuff.

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